
  Perhaps you have heard the word pluralism in the context of church or religion before, but do you realize the far reaching effects that it has had on our nation?  Pluralism is defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as, “a state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain an autonomous participation in and development of their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization.”

Temple Of All Religions in Kazan, Russia

  A couple of words in the definition are a bit troubling to me.  Though it sounds warm and fuzzy for people of different faiths to come together in one culture and live happily ever after, the reality of it is that many religions of the world are by nature mutually exclusive.  Some, as we have been made painfully aware in these last several years, obligate themselves to eliminate those who don’t see things their way.

  One’s religion, by nature, defines his world view.  Questions like: Where did I come from?  Where am I going?  What am I to do along the way?  are answered in accordance with one’s world view.  How you answer these questions will determine how your life will affect the “common civilization” mentioned in defining pluralism.  The reality is that our nation or any other with a pluralistic world view, is divided against itself.  Jesus warned that, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: (Matthew 12:25).”

  The only hope for a pluralistic society is for its citizens to discover and agree upon what is truth.  Reason requires that when men differ either one is right and the other wrong, or perhaps both are wrong, but both cannot be right.  There is only one truth and everything else is a lie.  From the beginning of time, wise men have determined to“let God be true, but every man a liar… (Romans 3:4)”  History bears it out: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. (Psalm 33:12).”  …and cursed are those who forget the Lord.

Choose Your Master

  It becomes increasingly apparent that humanity does not like to answer to any authority.  They do not want to be policed, surveilled or even instructed in matters that pertain to international, national, regional, local, familial or personal matters.  In a word, they want to be “Free.”  This proposed freedom is not the freedom that was purchased by the blood of countless thousands, shed on battlefields that circumvent the globe, but a redefined freedom whose definition looks very similar to that of the word Anarchy.

  Most Americans would be against Socialism if they would take the time to understand that it is a stepping stone to full fledged Communism in which everyone is subject to the ruling class.  Though the Communist Play Book says that the ruling class will dissolve as a perfect society is formed, that has never been the case.  But then the only thing that we have learned from history for sure, is that we don’t learn anything from history.

  Why the blind-push for what will ultimately result in anarchy and tyranny?  Man is selfish and self-centered by nature.  Who wants to be told what to do by man—or by God?  We want to have it our way, but never stop to consider what the world would be like if the almost 8 billion people who live on planet Earth, all have it their way, at the same time.

  This is why God, from the beginning, created us to be dependent upon Him.  Also, as Creator and Sustainer, He has established ground rules and moral absolutes to promote health, happiness and purpose among His creatures.  He has ordained that authority structure be utilized in every institution and organization known to man.  He is a God of order.

  So, we were created to be dependent, and to answer to authority.  But we were also created with a free will (the right to choose), because God did not want robots or puppets, but people—souls who could choose to submit or to rebel.  Those who submit will have the privileged opportunity of fellowship with Him forever, by faith in Jesus Christ.  Those who rebel will not.


  How does one measure wealth?  Obviously, money can be counted, interest rates calculated, dividends added and debits deducted, but surely there is more to the measure of a man’s worth than the bottom line of a spread sheet.  For example: Those who have been blessed with children are indeed rich in the treasures of earth.  The Word of God teaches us that, “children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”  And then consider the home—it is more than a house.  To have a peaceful haven filled with love and acceptance and the fellowship of a family who fears the Lord, are priceless treasures that are easily taken for granted.

  But, someone might counter, “A home requires a house, and a house full of children requires a host of essentials. Just try to keep the wolves from the door of your happy home, without money.”  All right, I concede that, though “the best things in life are free,” without the funds to maintain them, we would starve to death in the first week, or freeze in the shivering cold.   Though our cup runneth over, we must have the money to pay the pourer.

  Perhaps it is hard to focus on the future while the present requires so much of us, but you should also know that the Word of God speaks of a truer treasure than all of our present joys.  It says,“…lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: (Matthew 6:19-20).”  In exchange for your confident dependence upon Him, God promises forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven.  And then, as a believer, you can collect priceless treasures there, by your humble service here.  Wise is the man who considers tomorrow, today!

  Bottom line, …you are certainly rich with the temporal treasures of earth, and God has made it possible for you to have eternal treasure in exchange for your faith.  Tell me—where is your treasure?  It is a critical question, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21).”

The Standard

  As a pastor, I’m often called upon to listen to explicit stories of lives made shipwreck by merciless waves of unfortunate circumstances.  The question generally follows, “What do you think I should do?”  Many times, before I am able to form the first word of response, I learn that I am only one of many, whose advice is being sought.  Though often my efforts prove futile, I generally add my comments to the collection of remedies being tabulated.

  It has become obvious to me that our multicultural, multilingual, multipurpose age has produced a society without a standard for measuring truth.  By standard, I mean a collection of proven and accepted facts, by which everyone answers life’s hard questions and deals with its problems.  

  I’m sure that you have noticed how we have departed from the moral, spiritual, social and political absolutes that made our nation great.  Ours is a day of moral relativism; everybody decides for themselves what is right or wrong, what works or doesn’t.  With everyone using a different yardstick, is there any wonder that we are so diverse and riddled with problems?  If we could only be united in our defining of right and wrong, perhaps life could improve in substantive ways for the masses.

  Just to put your mind at ease, I confess that my standard is no better than yours, or anyone else’s.  As a matter of fact, I’m sure that the elements of truth that are needed to insure success in every situation and in every walk of life, will not be the contrivances of men, but of God.

  If you are interested in discovering ways that work, you should take a look at the absolutes of the Bible.  “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).”

  It would be a privilege to help you find God’s solution to your problems from His miraculous book, the Bible.  You have to start somewhere.

No Pain, No Gain

  Have you ever heard this old cliché?  Though it is very simple, this little phrase is actually profound, and its truth is applicable in nearly every discipline of life.

  Several years ago, we took a college tour to expose our church youth to the world of christian academia.  On one occasion, our group of potential scholars was led by a hopeful guide through his institution’s sports complex.  I was intrigued by the door marked “Weight Room.”  Occasionally, during our short visit, I would peek at the activity going on inside.  There were usually a couple of young men engaged in a routine they referred to as “pumping iron.”  I watched as they inflicted great pain upon themselves, induced by the vein popping strain of lifting weight laden bars.

  Something inside made me want to rush to their aid shouting “Hold on there, I’ll help you with that.”  No, I didn’t actually do it, but I did have the thought.  I knew that these men were athletes and they were there because they wanted to excel on the ball field.  They knew that stronger was better, and they were in the Weight Room by choice, ready to endure the pain, in hope of great gain—which had obviously started to materialize.

  Similarly, the Word of God reveals that spiritual fitness, especially of our faith, will cause us to excel in the “race of life” into which each of us is necessarily engaged.  You will need to embrace two important facts about faith if you desire to excel.  First, faith is believing what God says, and what God says can be found only in the Bible.  “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)”  Get into the Word!

  Secondly, faith grows when it is exercised (No Pain, No Gain),  so James tells us, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:2-4).”  So, look for opportunities to exercise what you believe.