If your child sits in front of a television or computer for hundreds of hours and witnesses killings, if he watches national news coverage of killings every evening, reads books that explicitly describe killings, plays video games that require simulated killing to win or progress to the next level, why should you be surprised when he kills someone?
If your teenage son views pornography on television, the internet, bill boards, books and magazines, if he looks at every woman with a lustful eye, if he continually fantasizes about sensual encounters, why should you be surprised when he enters into an immoral relationship or rapes the girl down the street?
Illegal, immoral and inhumane behavior are at an all time high, and men with great intellectual capacity are blaming everything from a damaged psyche caused by a comment some great uncle made at a family picnic when the perpetrator was three years old, to the brain washing tactics of a small church whose music is “outdated” and whose message is “irrelevant.”
Let’s stop playing games. Someone has wisely stated, “We are what we have been becoming.” Another observed, “Garbage in, garbage out.” Our social ills are due to our own unwillingness to deal with the insatiable appetites of our flesh. We are a society that refuses to say “no” to itself. We are slaves to our own sinful natures. We are victims of our own greed.
There is only one hope for our nation, for the whole human race. He does not live in Washington D.C., but in Heaven. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).” Jesus is not just some historical figure who went about doing good deeds; He is the eternal Son of God who lived, died and rose from the dead to purchase your forgiveness and to rescue you from the clutches of sin. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31)”