2020 Archives

Produce Of A Nation

  America is engulfed in an age of self inflicted tragedy.  Police officers and Sheriff deputies are being killed in the streets, businesses and personal properties are being looted and burned to the ground, seniors are being sucker punched on busy sidewalks, and all in the name of peaceful protest.  We are a nation that boasts of the rule of law while some politicians and news media argue that the cause of this anarchy is just.

  As a nation, we exacerbate and perpetuate our problems by desensitizing our children to the awfulness of plunder, arson, rape, murder, etc. through media, music and video games.  Our education system, from preschool to graduate school, has long been becoming a social engineering movement for the advancement of Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Neo-Nazi, and more.

  Our nation, for the first time in its history, is being governed largely by a ruling class that is without moral restraint.  We pride ourselves for doing anything we want, anytime we want and anywhere we want—all under the guise of “human rights.”  Relativism has become the dominant moral philosophy of our time.  Right and wrong are determined by the individual on the fly, and what is wrong for him today, he may deem right tomorrow.

  How did we get here as a country?  Some blame slack gun control laws, chemical imbalance, psychosis, problematic childhood or racism.  Others simply point the finger of blame across the aisle of the capital building or across the street to the nearest counter protest group.  God has a different idea about who is to blame.  He says,“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)”

  The solution is quite simple; if you are willing to participate, here is where you need to start,  “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”(Acts 16:31)  And then, follow the example of a king of old, “And when he was in affliction, he besought the LORD his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers,” (2 Chronicles 33:12)

Never Alone

  You may recall, as I do, the days when schools had hardwood floors, giant windows that were open for want of air conditioning, and cast iron radiators that would pop and crack on cold winter days to create a cozy warm atmosphere.  If your school was like mine, you might also recall that little speaker box on the wall that the principal used to make announcements from his office, and, as all mischievous students soon learned, to listen from his office to what was happening in the classroom while the teacher was away.  The ominous little box on the wall impressed us with the stark reality that we, the students, were never truly alone in the classroom. 

  Being alone is an interesting concept.  Under the right circumstances, it might be described as peaceful or private.  But at other times, to be alone might be considered threatening, and leave the single soul feeling abandoned or even tortured in solitary confinement.

  Conversely, never alone has both a bright and a dark side as well.  In the school room, the little box to which the principal’s ear was hard wired, offered comfort to some, but was a threat to others, depending upon what had been conjured up in our impressionable little minds that day.

  You might be interested to know that in the supernatural realm, the God of the universe is always near; we are never alone.  The Word of God says, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3).”

  In the case of the believer who is walking in the light of His Word, God’s ever presence is both a comfort and a blessing.  “The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalms 34:15).”   But let every rebel beware, “…the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. (1Peter 3:12).”

  God is Lord of every realm, both physical and spiritual, mental and emotional; He is always near, so rejoice …or should I say, beware!

Cooling Off

  Finally a break in the weather!  Wasn’t it great to see the rains come and relieve the drought like conditions that plagued us during this unusually hot summer?  Isn’t it nice to have some less than 90º days to work in the yard or just enjoy the great outdoors?  Finally, it’s cooling off!  We know that seasons come and go on this terrestrial ball, and though everyone looks forward to his “favorite time of year,” most folks seem to enjoy the diversity of seasons as a satisfying spice of life.

  But there is another cooling off that seems pretty obvious to those of us who watch a different kind of thermometer.  After His resurrection, Jesus was on Earth for forty days.  During that period of time, He was seen by a number of people, each of which could give a clear testimony of the resurrection.  After He met with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, one of them remarked to the other, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? (Luke 24:32).”  They had what might be called “the fire of God” in their hearts.  This is another realm in which a change of season seems to be ushered in at present, but, would to God the temperatures would only rise.

  If you are a child of God, may I ask how that fire fares that God has kindled in your heart?  If you take a good look at those embers within, would you have to say that there is a cooling off taking place in that realm too?  Are the things of God, the ways of God and the Word of God becoming less important to you, as the things of the world, the ways of the world and the wisdom of the world vie for first place?

  Perhaps we should give serious consideration to how this spiritual cooling is affecting our nation, “One Nation Under God.”  Perhaps we should notice what effect our frigid hearts are having on the Church, the “Body of Christ.”  And most importantly, let’s consider the personal, spiritual detriment that comes from allowing God’s embers to be smothered with the waters of worldliness.  Perhaps it is time to fan the flames!!!

It’s A Gift

  Someone once said, “The best things in life are free.”  The longer I live, the more I am inclined to believe it.  Consider the worth of a child’s smile and affectionate greeting, “Daddy!”  Just think of the simple pleasures afforded you by the senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing—all of which come as standard equipment with your “fearfully and wonderfully made” body.  These priceless treasures, and more, are gifts from our wonderful Creator God.  “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17).”

  Though these temporal treasures are quite captivating, one would do well  to consider the eternal, spiritual realm as well.  God says that you are an eternal being who, at the end of your earthly existence, will not cease to be. There is life beyond your physical death in an eternal, spiritual realm.  There is however a choice to be made.  Because of your sin, you are condemned to an eternal existence separated from God, but, at His own expense, God has provided another option.  Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead to fulfill God’s plan of redemption and provide forgiveness to those who would accept Christ’s death as payment for their sin.  It’s a Gift!

 If you choose to accept God’s gift, I am happy to report that the best things in life are still free.  For example, God offers the priceless treasure of life in His presence, glorified bodies that will never grow old, eternal heavenly citizenship where there is no sickness, death, crime, sorrow or crying.

 All that God offers is contained in the person of Jesus Christ.  Receive Him now and you can start to enjoy eternal treasures today; He is waiting for you!

  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (John 1:12)”


  It is amazing how much one’s perspective is determined by his passions.  For example, there are those whose lives revolve around politics, and everything they read is interpreted as if it were some political posturing of the author.   Others are all about sports; if it has no bearing on their sport, it is boring and unimportant.  It is true; one’s passion become the glasses through which he views the world and interprets the events of life.

  So, Which passion produces the right perspective?  Should we become more politically minded because, in reality, life revolves around American politics?  Should we focus on finances as if life were measured by how much money we have?  Should we emphasize the importance of popularity or social acceptance because, obviously, we cannot go it alone?  Should we strive to excel in academics and intellectual pursuits as if the good life were available only to the intellectually elite?  Which perspective would provide the optimal vantage point from which to view life, understand its meaning, and live it to the fullest?  Answer:  None of the above.

  The right perspective is not determined by the passions of finite beings.  Man’s perspective is comparable to studying the stars from the dark recesses of an abandoned coal mine.  He just doesn’t have access to the vantage point from which everything is clearly visible.  Pooling our resources doesn’t help either; a collection of passionate opinions from biased bigots does not constitute a clear picture of reality.  We need some outside help from someone who has the advantage of seeing things as they really are.

  Only God is in a position to define the right perspective.  Not only is He the Creator, but He has His omnipotent hands on His creation, sustaining life and maintaining the laws by which it is preserved.  God made this very point to Job when He said, “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? …Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. (Job 38:2–4)”