Ministering During Covid-19

 Having been the pastor of Corinth Baptist Church now for three and a half years, I had developed somewhat of a routine in order to conduct four services weekly, engage in counseling, pastoral hospital and shut-in visits, and helping to facilitate other ministries that are conducted by our church family.  There was always something constructive to do.  It has been a joy to watch the church grow spiritually and see people get involved in the ministry who were not aware that they could accomplish something for the Lord by simply making themselves available—enter Covid-19.  Now, though the work of the ministry must go on, everything is different.

  When the virus first started to make the news about seven or eight weeks ago, we decided to conduct our services with only 10 people present, allowing most of our folks to attend at least once in a week, utilizing our three services on Sunday and one on Wednesday evening.  When the mandate to stay at home was issued we began to conduct services either from my study at home or from the church via Live Streaming.  Having no experience with the required technologies, I, and the men who have stepped up to the plate to help, engaged in several self taught crash courses, each consisting of a rather steep learning curve.  Praise the Lord, we have been able to continue to affect the lives of a few people through the weeks of pandemic isolation.  He has even enabled us to initiate a new ministry by which our people can be edified (built up and encouraged) on a weekly basis by telephone.  It has been a real blessing to people on both ends of the conversation.  God is so good!

  On a personal level, like so many others, I have been disheartened by the sudden collapse of our social lives, resulting from the politicization of a serious illness, that has not proven itself unlike other illnesses that reached pandemic status without affecting a collapse of the world’s economies and social structure.  It is a disappointment to see the nation terrorized by news media, government officials and the professionals who have, overnight, become “the authorities” whose word seems to supersede law.  Perhaps most of all I am concerned about the fact that churches have been relegated to the status of “non-essential.”  In history, the Church and people of faith, were an essential part of helping to provide comfort and hope, as well as to minister to the physical needs of others in times of tragedy, pandemic or disaster.  Perhaps it is in part the fault of the people of God who have grown lethargic by years of ease.  Our lethargy has produced several generations who do not know God.  God forgive us.


  The word Revival conjures up nostalgic memories of yesteryear.  Some remember the “protracted meetings” of their childhood, held in big tents erected on vacant lots, featuring a well known evangelist.  Others, of the more emotional persuasion, think of a local event in which they claim some supernatural “manifestation of the Holy Spirit” prompted people to fall on the floor, speak in unknown tongues, or laugh hysterically.  But the revival that I long for, is not a social event, but an increased awareness of the presence of God, and a lasting resolve to live in the light of that presence.

   Something is desperately wrong with our Christianity when the people of God are content never to experience the presence of God.  O that we might develop a desire to Practice His Presence.  Interested?  Try this:

  First, you must examine your “want to,” or desire.  If you don’t care to live in the presence of God, you never will.  Consider the benefits for a moment. “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Psalm 16:11).”

   Secondly, confess your known sin.  Sin separates you from God and destroys your fellowship.  “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: (1John 1:6).”

  Thirdly, set aside a time each day to have nothing on your mind but God.  Speak to Him in prayer and allow Him to speak to you through His Word.  David said, “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. (Psalm 5:3).”

  Fourth, make a conscious effort in every event or activity of the day to remember that God is near.  Our Lord has promised, “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:20).”

  Finally, an act of total surrender. “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:5)

 By the way, these five steps are not my suggestions, but God’s instruction.

The New Normal

 Covid-19 and the regulations that are utilized to deal with it, have caused many to ask the question, “Will things ever return to normal?”  To be sure, things will change again in time, and perhaps some will see it as a return to  the old “normal,” …others will not.  But everybody should know by now, change happens, and in time, people adjust.  As to whether the change is for better or for worse, depends upon who is talking.

  We who are older seem to have a harder time dealing with change because we have so much life with which to compare, while the younger generations measure change by the experiences of their lesser years.  Who is right in their assessment of change?  God is.  He said, While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22)” Some things will never change!   But He also says, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1)”  So, while some things cannot be altered, others will, and those who live on planet Earth will continually have to adjust to a new normal.

  In a world that is ever changing you might be interested, and comforted, in knowing that there is a realm that never changes.  It is the realm of our Creator God. “…the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17)”   And you can be a citizen of that realm, a bonafide member of the family of God the Father, for now and forever.  Your adoption papers are already signed and sealed by Jesus Christ, who secured this eternal relationship by His death, burial and resurrection.  Our sinful nature and daily choices to have it our way instead of God’s has separated us from our Creator God; but because of Jesus’ great sacrifice He is able to offer this invitation to you, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)”

Now wouldn’t that be a welcomed NEW NORMAL?

Playing God

  On October 31, 2011, the Associated Press ran an article entitled Asia to Africa, 7 Billionth Babies Celebrated, by Jon Bambrell.  It was one of many articles that day with similar titles—all misleading.  Truth is, there was no apparent celebration intended, only alarm.  Another telling headline read, “The U.N. declared landmark, underscores the challenges faced by many countries in providing for the growing numbers of people on an already over stretched and crowded planet.”  Though the birthrate had declined since the early 1960s, it was not enough; the problem of “population explosion” was back in the news.  The decline in the birthrate came, in part, as a result of legalized abortion in 1973 (i.e. killing babies in their mother’s womb, or with their heads extending out of the birth canal).  Those who fought for abortion saw it as a partial cure for our “population problem.”  Since then it has become popular to euthanize seniors as well.  It is done in the name of “keeping them comfortable” during their last days, but it involves lethal doses of medications that slow their respiration and hasten death.

  And what about “Global Warming?”  Postulated by some extremists is the idea that the only solution to climate change is the eradication of human life on earth.  Only then will Mother Nature enjoy peace and prosperity.

 Most would agree that population is an issue in various urban centers of the world, but our planet is neither “stretched” nor “crowded.”  And who could deny that weather patterns are changing—but more times than not, it was hotter or colder on this day in yesteryear.

  My point is simply this; the answer is not to pay governments to cool the planet, or to take the lives of innocent children or helpless seniors.  The answer is a renewed dependence upon our Creator, Sustainer God, and a renewed commitment to allowing Him to dictate what is right or wrong, so that we might be blessed rather than chastened.  “And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist. (Colossians 1:17)”

Making Disciples

  In the process of time, it has come to my attention that life happens very quickly.  Someone said, “Time flies when you’re having fun.”  You are having fun aren’t you?  My point is that we only have so much time for meaningful and lasting achievements.  For example, to learn what God has to say to you, and what He expects of you, would be a worthwhile goal.  Secondly, it would be a meaningful and lasting accomplishment if you could help all of your family and friends do the same.  Only a fool would say that there is no God, …but so many people have not taken the time to meet Him.

  God describes this very task when He says,“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,… Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20).”  It is all about making disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ.  But, as we said before, you will have to first discover Him for yourself; only then can you share your treasure with others.

  Some would argue that this commission is not intended for 21st century Christians, but was spoken to a handful of disciples (followers) in the mountains of Galilee in the first century.  But, while Christ’s commissioning of His disciples was a rather exclusive event, the phrase “teach them to observe all things… I have commanded you” makes this a perpetual commission for believes of every age.  One of the things that Christ taught His disciples, was to make disciples of others.  If the first generation of disciples were obedient to this command, they would have taught the second generation of disciples to love their enemies and obey the moral laws of God, but ALSO to make third generation disciples, etc.

  Paul had the same idea when he told Timothy, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:2).”

  Better hurry; you know how time flies!  You can start with a phone call!