It’s Your Fault

“Passing the buck” has been around since the beginning of time.  The first crime ever committed by mortals was blamed on others.  Adam blamed Eve for inducing him to disobey the one and only law that God had issued, and Eve blamed the satanically inspired serpent who had misled her concerning the consequences of breaking God’s law.  The blame game has been one of the world’s most common defense tactics ever since.  Examples abound.

  We, who call ourselves “Christians,” are no exceptions when it comes to deflecting the blame.  We like to say that times are tough and things continue to spiral out of control because of the debauched character of those who don’t know or worship our God.  While it is true that abject godlessness has destroyed morality, civility, justice and liberty in growing proportions, the blame does not rest entirely upon the shoulders of those who avoid God.  We, who know God personally through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, are also at fault.  God does not bless a nation because of the thoughts and deeds of the “unsaved,” but because of the thoughts and deeds of those whom He calls His children.  Many years ago, He said, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)” Notice, God blesses a nation when His people within that nation humble themselves and obediently walk in the light of His Word.  Obviously, we have missed the mark.

  Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is my fault that this world is in the condition that it is in, and it is your fault that things are as they are.  We have failed at being salt and light.  “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:13–14)”  Forgive us neighbor, for living in such a way as to spurn God’s grace, and provoke His wrath upon our nation.

There Is Still Change In The Air

  While all would agree that it is commendable to change the oil in our cars, the filters in our HVAC systems, or the diapers of crying babies, most folks get to a point in life at which change beyond these essentials is unpleasant and threatening.  Nevertheless, it is obvious to those who study the passage of time, that nothing stays the same.  Change is an inevitable fact of life, and those who won’t accept it seem destined to days of misery—or do they?

  No one can deny that we live in a day of change, or that the rate of change is greater than at any other time in modern history.  We have seen the slaughter of innocent babies increase from year to year (abortion), we have witnessed the redefining of families to include perverted sexual preference and transgenderism.  We have observed the acceptance of radical, humanistic ideologies that promote lawlessness and anarchy.  We have witnessed generations of children brainwashed by sociopolitical pundits who are out of touch with reality and absorbed in the promotion of ideas that history has proven fatal.  A forward glance confirms to any honest onlooker, Change Is Still In The Air—and many modern movements have become global.

  God’s Word reveals that these changes of our day will increase sin, suffering and sorrow.  “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1)”  …BUT, we can be thankful that God Himself will never change, nor will His plans and promises be thwarted.  He is described as the One, “…with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17b)”  To those who have accepted His forgiveness, and have become part of His family, He offers peace in today’s turmoil, and deliverance from future divine wrath, ALL in exchange for our faith.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)”

  If you are frustrated with the changes you see, and frightened by the bleak outlook that our present course implies, you should consider the promises of God to those who trust in His Son.  He is SO good to His children!

The Exceptional Nation

  I would like to publicly take exception with those who are saying that America is NOT an exceptional nation.  Nothing could be further from the truth; Just name another one that is like it—even close.  America, more than any other country, encourages its citizens to be whatever they aspire to be.  America, more than any other country, loves freedom and promotes it around the world.  America, more than any other country, has helped both friend and foe to nurse their wounds and restore order after war and natural catastrophe.  America, more than any other country, has welcomed people onto its shores from every walk of life, and called them part of the family.  And the list goes on, though space does not permit us to continue here.

 This land is home to teeming millions who have come from lands of abject poverty, moral bankruptcy, and political and spiritual bondage, to carve out a new and better life for themselves.  America, since its inception, has been the end of a long journey for countless souls who boasted an unquenchable yearning to be free—a part of a better realm.  America, “the city on a hill.”

  But there are some who, because of her exceptionalism, view America as an object of hate, would make merchandise of her free people and destroy the greatest ever habitat for civil humanity.  Why?  The answer is easy…

 America is great and exceptional, because her foundation was laid on the solid principles of the Word of God.  America is great because she has befriended the covenant people of God, the Jews.  America is great because the vast majority of her people, even those who don’t know Him personally, have accepted His ways as right.  Those who love darkness rather than light, don’t want to answer to the God of light.  They hate everything He stands for, and everyone who stands for Him.

  Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; (Luke 11:17)”   America will cease to be great when enough of her people reject the One whose blessing has sustained her and made her great.

In Defense of Right

  Years ago, I spoke with a friend and his wife who had just lost a pretty substantial sum of money.  Their retirement investment had soured and several thousand dollars of their nest egg had vaporized with a little hiccup of the market.  At the same time, the malfeasance of the investment firm that had been handling their account was discovered, and it was apparent, some hundreds of dollars of their hard earned money had been embezzled.  As I listened to their story, my mind was captivated by the thousands lost in the market while the hundreds of embezzled dollars seemed to me to pale in comparison.  I was a little taken back when my friend explained, “We’re okay with the loss of our investment dollars; we understood and agreed to the risks when we invested.” “The real issue here is that people we had  trusted have stolen from us—that is a bitter pill to swallow.”  My friends were “victims” in the classical sense, suffering personal loss at the hand of someone who intended them harm.

  One might ask, “Why would anyone choose to harm or defraud another?”  The answer is simple, and biblical, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)”  This is not to say that mankind is incapable of doing anything right, but still, the nature of man is inherently selfish, greedy and often bold in its effort to satisfy itself.  Consequently, a nation, community, business, home, or even an individual is measured by its propensity to do good, or to do evil.  While you and I vacillate on the spectrum somewhere between doing right and doing wrong, we unwittingly judge others according to how they measure up to to our own standards.  Without some help, we are all hopelessly destined to end up in a downward spiral toward disarray and eventual destruction.

  My point is very simple; we were created to be subject to the Almighty, to live our lives according to His principles and precepts.  He alone is able to save us from ourselves.  Questions? …There are about 1,700 pages of answers in the Bible!

Merry Christmas!

  It seems apparent that contemporary minds are content to turn Christmas, and all of the holidays (holy-days), into feeding frenzies for the appetites of the flesh, or occasions to flatter themselves and their constituents with imaginative self-worth.  But it is not compulsory that you or I conform.  It is perfectly acceptable for us to maintain the perspective of those in whose minds these celebrations were established. 

  Both the word Christmas, and the season, begin with Christ.  Someone aptly stated, “He is the reason for the season.”  Consider how it all began in the mind of God, who, because of His great love, purposed to send His own Son to purchase a pardon for sinful men, at the cost of His own life’s blood.  Without the forgiveness that He offers, no one would ever be worthy to stand in the presence of Holy God—all would be destined to a devil’s hell.

  Just before that first Christmas, Jesus, the eternal Son of God, left the splendors of Heaven to inhabit the body of a babe and to be born of a Jewish virgin named Mary.  The seed of a man was supernaturally placed in her womb by the Spirit of God.  The birth of Jesus Christ, the “God Man,” is the sole reason for our celebration of Christmas.

  After 33 years of sinless perfection, Jesus was executed by Roman soldiers at the bidding of their governor, who played puppet to a group of self-serving hypocrites pretending to be instructed by God.  Nevertheless, He was the only sacrifice sufficient to pay the price of forgiveness. He was buried, and rose again on the third day, which assures us of His sufficiency, God’s acceptance of His sacrifice, and His power to forgive.

 Those who will place their trust in Jesus for forgiveness of sin will be placed in good standing before God and are assured an eternal home in His presence.  Jesus, and the forgiveness He offers, is God’s gift to you this Christmas season, but like any gift, you must be willing to receive it.  “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (John 1:12)”