Perhaps you have read of WWII Japanese soldiers who were forced into remote areas and ordered to fight to the death. Several of these men were discovered years after the war had ended; they were still in their hideaways, and still armed and vicious. Why? They professed, “Nobody told me that the war was over!” They were ready to die for a cause that no longer existed. Peace had been won for all the peoples of the earth.
Similarly, peace has been won for all of mankind in the spiritual realm—peace with God. The victory came as a result of the sacrifice of one man, the God/Man, Jesus Christ, but many haven’t received the good news and have become casualties in this war already won. Who is to blame? It’s me; please forgive me if we have met and I failed to share the good news with you.
Quite often I am reminded of our Lord’s commissioning of His followers to take the good news of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to those who have never heard, or have not yet responded. “For the Son of man (Jesus) is come to save that which was lost. (Matthew 18:11)” Christ purchased your forgiveness with His own life’s blood. This is the foremost theme of the Bible. Delivering His message is imperative if one hopes to discover peace, receive God’s blessing now, and live in His presence forever.
God tells us that, “…whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13),” but in the next verse He poses a series of questions that remind us of our responsibility to Go and Tell: “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (v.14)” The word “preacher” in v.14 is not talking about the Pastor of a church; this word “preacher” could refer to anyone, and everyone, who is willing to herald the good news about Jesus’ offer of forgiveness (the gospel). As a matter of fact, if you know God personally through faith in Jesus Christ, you too are commissioned to tell others.
I would be thrilled to share the good news with you and yours! Please call!