Which Generation

  Most agree that there are two types of generations: the family generation and the social generation.  The family generation, though it varies in length is pretty easy to define.  Grandparents are one generation, Parents are a second generation and Children are a third, etc.  So, a familial generation usually lasts 20-25 years before another enters the picture.

  A Social generation is not as easily defined because it involves national and international events like war, depression or recession, etc.  On the brighter side, technological advancement, etc. can create a new paradigm for the lives of young adults about to enter into their prime of life.  We are told that there have been seven generational changes since the turn of the last century: The Greatest Generation (1901 – 1927), The Silent Generation (1928 – 1945), Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964), Generation X (1965 – 1980), Millennial (1981 – 1995), Gen Z (1996 – 2010), Generation Alpha (2011 – present).  As you can see, social generations range from 14-26 years in length.

  Much can be gained from one generation to the next, especially in the sciences, technology, industry, etc.  Most of the change is deemed good, at least by the younger generations who are responsible for producing it.  Older generations have to accept the change and learn some new tricks in their advancing years if they are going to keep up with “the kids.”

  Similarly, much can be lost in just one generation.  Generational losses tend to be more in the social, political, spiritual, and moral realms.  Many of our losses are viewed by God as detrimental to society as a whole.  Because of the downgrade, life becomes more threatening, less predictable, harder to navigate and less peaceful or pleasurable.

  In light of the effects of generational losses, consider: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls….”  But sadly, in Jeremiah’s day, just before a seventy year captivity, “…they said, We will not walk therein. (Jeremiah 6:16)”  What say ye?