When we use the phrase, Weight Loss, it is generally referring to the loss of a few pounds to improve one’s body mass index (BMI), and promote good health. Or perhaps some would think of it in terms of dropping a few inches from their girth, so as to de-escalate the need for purchasing a new wardrobe to adorn their new BMI.
But there is another realm in which the words Weight Loss might also be applied, namely, in measuring the importance of the items we have placed on our priority lists. e.g. “Now this is a very weighty matter to me.” What we mean is that this item is consequential, crucial, or even grave.
I’m learning that some of the weightier matters in my life may need to experience some weight loss—they are not nearly as important as I once imagined. Perhaps I have spent too many years majoring on the minors, have been a bit nearsighted in prioritizing the stuff of life, have put too much emphasis on the here and now: the creature comforts that I enjoy, the way of life that I have grown to love, the personal goals that I sought to obtain. I see now, I have neglected the spiritual and eternal elements of my existence, giving preference to the less weighty, temporal things of life.
How about you? What are the weighty matters affecting your life? Perhaps you are thinking about a mate, a diploma, a first house, a career, retirement, or maybe, your poor health. These are indeed weighty matters, but have you considered the more crucial matters of: your relationship with the Creator, the divinely issued purpose of life, the eternal abode of your soul, and your influence on the eternal souls of those you love, etc.?
Perhaps you should join me in putting the temporal things that are on your priority list on a diet so that they seem less weighty in the years you have left, and so that the more weighty matters, that pertain to the unseen and eternal issues of life, will take their rightful place at the top of your list. God says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these [temporal] things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)”