
  Some time ago, I had the most interesting experience.  It was probably obvious where we were going as my wife and I pulled out of our driveway on Sunday morning at about 9:00.  She was wearing a dress and I was in my customary tie and jacket.  I mean, where do people go on Sunday morning dressed like that?  As I checked both ways for traffic, I noticed a man and woman walking down the street.  It was obvious from what they were wearing (or not wearing) that they were not on their way to Sunday School.  The woman was out in front and near enough that as I pulled out into the street, I could not help but catch her eye.  I hoped a nod and a smile would communicate a neighborly “Good morning,” but she immediately gave me a smirk, rolled her eyes and then looked away as if to say, “Mind your own business.”

  A familiar feeling welled up in my stomach, one that I had often felt when I knocked on someone’s door to share the gospel.  It was always unsettling when the occupant answered the door, heard that I was from a church, and acted as if I had come to deliver the bubonic plague in a special unmarked package.  As the door closed, something inside wanted to shout, “Give me a chance, I’m really a pretty nice guy.”  I often thought as I walked away, that the next time I see that individual may be at the Great White Throne Judgment, where everyone that is antagonistic toward the gospel will stand condemned before God, and be cast into eternal Hell to collect the wages of their sin.  I took no comfort in the thought, and tried to be more determined at the next door.  O how much can be lost in one moment—how much can be gained!

  Perhaps you feel the same frustration as you try to live your faith and share it with others.  Let me remind you that they are not rejecting you when they smirk, but your Lord.  Don’t stop trying; He is their only hope!, and you are privileged to tell them of His love.  Paul quotes the prophet Isaiah, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Romans 10:15)”