I have personally heard people, in these post election days, refer to the next four years as a “reprieve.” A reprieve is the postponement of punishment, in this case, from God. We’ll have to see what happens around the globe in the coming months, but these individuals could be right. Maybe God is going to give us believers an opportunity to do what we have refused to do for years—persuade people to consider Him again. Our nation is divided in almost equal parts between individuals who appreciate the rule of law and the freedoms it has helped to sustain, and those who have blindly abandoned themselves to drastic change that will quickly deteriorate the moral fabric of America, and bring her to anarchical ruin.

The conservative faction of our nation is, to some extent, the remnants of families and tribes that were once followers of God. Years of prosperity and blessing have caused us to lose our focus and to lay aside our faith, supposing ourselves to be the captains of our own fate.
If you believe in God, and know that “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6),” please join me in a renewed faith, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD… (Psalm 33:12).” Let us ask for boldness to speak to our friends and neighbors of Him. But we know our nation will not truly belong to the Lord until we, her citizens, know Him individually and submit to His Lordship. You and I must show them how!
It was sin that came between God and His creation from the very beginning, and sin will keep us apart today. There is only one remedy for sin: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)” Jesus purchased our forgiveness when He died on the cross, and paid sin’s wages with His own blood. He rose from the dead and lives at the Father’s right hand, willing and able to restore your relationship with God the Father when you put your faith and trust in Him.
I have accepted God’s gift of forgiveness and have embraced the bright eternal future He has promised. I hope you will join me! In God we trust?