In Matthew 13, Jesus told the parable of a sower who sowed his seed in four types of soil. As in all of the parables, the story is intended to illustrate some spiritual truth. In this story, the “soils” represent the conditions of men’s hearts before they receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is represented in the parable by the “seed.” The first soil is described as “wayside soil” which represents a heart that has not been prepared to receive God’s gospel seed. In this context, “prepared” has to do with one’s making himself mentally ready to respond to the the gospel, similar to the way a farmer gets his soil ready before planting, so that the earth will respond properly to the seed being tucked under its soil.
Preparation of your heart involves three things: First you must recognize that you have offended a Holy God by breaking His moral laws. Secondly, you must understand that you have no capacity for reparation; there is nothing that you can do to save yourself from the condemnation your sin deserves. Thirdly, you must long to be restored to God, and recognize Him as God in your life; you must desire His forgiveness, and His provision for victory over the penalty, power and presence of sin in your life. This is called Repentance. So many have bypassed repentance and now look to some experience (e.g. baptism, communion, church attendance or a sinner’s prayer) that they believe has secured God’s favor—but salvation is not produced by these.
Only the repentant heart is ready to receive and respond to the seed—God’s “Good News,” the gospel! i.e. God offers you forgiveness, but only through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died in your place, to purchase your pardon. He rose from the dead as victor over your sin, and lives to give you eternal life when, after preparation of heart, you come to Him by faith. But remember, “…except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:3)
Many believe that time may be short, and while no man knows the day or hour that our window of opportunity will close, certainly you must agree, “…now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2Corinthians 6:2)”