What’s Next?
Almost every day there is some global event that causes me to think of God’s prophetic calendar as revealed in the Bible. For centuries the world did not seem primed for the cataclysmic happenings that God has ordained for the last days, but now the stage seems set. Though we cannot know the day and hour in which the final act will begin (1Thessalonians 5:2), we can exercise discernment as to the season in which we live (1Timothy 4:1-2; 2Timothy 3:1-9; 1John 2:18; Jude 18; 2Peter 3:3-10; Luke 17:26-37).
According to the Bible, the next event leading up to the end of earth as we know it, will be the “catching away” of God’s saints. At this event (the Rapture), deceased Christians will be raised from the dead to join living believers, and all will be gathered unto the Lord. The world will view it as a strange disappearance of thousands (1Thessalonians 4:13-18).
Seven years of judgment will then be poured out upon the earth in ways that are unprecedented in human history. (Matthew 24:21-28; Revelation 4-19). Many will turn to the Lord, but most will despise Him.
Following the seven year period of judgment, the Lord Jesus Christ will come and set up His promised kingdom. With all of the raptured saints by His side, He will reign as the King of kings for 1000 years (Matthew 24:25-31; Revelation 19-20).
Lastly, the King will judge those from all ages who have rejected Him. Condemned at the Great White Throne Judgment (Matthew 20:11-15), they will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Matthew 25:41). The world will be destroyed and a new world created in which believers from all ages will dwell with God forever. We call it Heaven (Revelation 21-22).
My friend, this may all sound like a fairy tale to you, but consider the already fulfilled prophecy of the Bible and you will see how foolish it is to doubt the Word of God. You need to be ready. “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. (1John 5:12).”