New And Improved God
Those who truly know God have discovered His affection for them through Jesus Christ, His Son. That the Bible is the Word of God is as obvious to them as it is for a bride to recognize the words of her beloved, in a letter. Living in His love, and having a heart filled with His Word, makes it easy for God’s people to recognize that which pertains to Him, and that which does not. They see His plan (as disclosed in His Word) unfolding before their eyes. To them He is the Almighty, Unchanging, Ever Present God of the universe. They understand that He is the owner and sustainer of all, and if He loosens His grip, the end would be instantaneous.
There are others, many of them, who might describe themselves as, “doing the God thing.” They have discovered the social network that our world refers to as “christian,” and they like it. They want to be the part of humanity that wears the white hats rather than the black (i.e. the “good guys” rather than “bad guys”). To these modern christians, God is something akin to a cosmic battery to be tapped into when life’s resources seem insufficient. God, to them, can be conveniently blamed when things go wrong, but at the same time, He is the One they must turn to for hope when the issues of life need to be explained by something outside of themselves. They have no concept of the God of the Word, though they humor themselves with an imagined God who is old, weak, naive, purposeless and powerless. He is the God of this New Age, promoted today in churches around the globe; …a God who exists only in the minds of ignorant men.
FACT: There is only one God. If you would read His Word (the Bible), you would find it more than an old, obsolete book. If you would genuinely desire to know the truth, if you would pray that it might be revealed to you, and if you would commit to reading until you start to see the eternal light shine through, you will discover the Unchanging, Almighty, Eternal, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and ONLY God.