Years ago, I was introduced to a song called O Glorious Love that quickly became one of my favorites. It is about the amazing love of God that caused Him to send His Son, Jesus, across the great chasm between Him and humanity that was formed when sin entered His creation. Jesus’ mission was to bridge the gap, by paying the penalty for man’s sin and providing a way for sinful man to return to Holy God. The song goes like this:
In my darkness Jesus found me, touched my eyes and made me see.
Broke sins chains that long had bound me, gave me life and liberty.
O amazing truth to ponder, He whom angel hosts attend.
Lord of heav’n, God’s Son, what wonder, He became the sinners friend!
O glorious love of Christ my Lord divine,
That made Him stoop to save a soul like mine!
Through all my days and then in heav’n above.
My song will silence never,
I’ll worship Him forever,
and praise Him for His glorious love.
There is change in the air, and an increasing number of those who are studied in the social sciences are starting to see an ominous cloud on the horizon, a cloud of social revolution engineered by purveyors of evil. It involves our open borders, our confusion of sexual orientation, our redefining marriage and family, our amoral lifestyles, our disregard for the sanctity of life, our insistence on the idea that man is sovereign rather than God, etc.
But God is not caught off guard, and has even stated in His Word that days like these would come, and why. If things continue as they are, we may soon see the darkest days yet known to man. Are you ready? “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? (1John 5:5)” “…as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (John 1:12)”