There is an old adage, “America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” Politicians of all stripes have used these words in support of their platforms, offering their own political ideologies as worthy specimens of what constitutes “good.” Interestingly enough what one politician calls “good” is labeled “evil” by the next. It seems that our leaders, their constituents and hordes of followers cannot agree on even the most basic of all truths. I for one believe that we were better off when the basic standard for right and wrong was not up for debate. The unprecedented perversions of proud generations of men and women who believe themselves to be fate’s appointment to the world’s successive leadership posts, have and will continue to lead us into perilous times.

Thankfully, right is not right because of how we think or feel, and wrong is not wrong because it doesn’t suit our fancy. There is a standard produced outside of the human race, intended by our Creator God to be the spiritual, moral, political and civil absolutes by which His creatures are governed. He created mankind with cognitive powers and volition (a free will) so that he might choose for himself the path that leads to life and light around His throne, or death and darkness that ends in the solitary torment of a world without God.
Obviously, there are those who think they can have the best of both worlds. They promote a lifestyle of self gratification with an occasional honorable mention of the Divine. But the Almighty says, “Be sure, your sins will find you out. (Numbers 32:23).”
Interested in knowing the truth? How about knowing the God of truth? The only thing that stands between you and a personal relationship with your Heavenly Father is your sin. But there is good news! “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)”