
  Someone once asked, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”  But what evidence would suffice?  Does the Bible enumerate such evidences?  Actually, the New Testament is replete with terms that describe the regenerate life of a believer.  The First Epistle of John (1John) is a treasure trove for such evidences!  But, before you  take a look, it is critically important to understand that salvation is not the result of these evidences, but rather, these evidences are the result of true salvation.  In other words, one does not become a Christian by simply acting like one.  Salvation is not an act, it is a work of God to produce spiritual life where there was none.

  In order to be saved, one must realize that he is lost, separated from our Holy God because of sin.  Secondly, he must desire to be saved from sin eternally, rather than live in sin, and enjoy its pleasures for a season.  Third, he must know that Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh, came to earth to die on the cross, as payment of the just penalty for the sins of mankind.  Fourth, one must accept that, because He is God, Jesus rose from the dead (as witnessed by more than 500 people), that He ascended back to heaven, and that He is, even now, at the right hand of God the Father, ready to save all who will come to Him by faith.  Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)”  “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved… (Acts 16:31)”

 Once saved, the evidences will certainly appear.  Here is a sampling of the evidences mentioned in 1John.  According to John a true believer is one who:  Walks in the light of God (1:5-7), Has fellowship with God (1:6), Is sensitive to sin and desires to be clean (1:8-9), Keeps God’s commandments (2:3), Loves the brethren (2:9),  Holds loosely the things of the world (2:15), Maintains Christian fellowship (2:19), Confesses Christ as Lord and Savior (2:22-23), Does not sin habitually (3:5-6), Produces righteous works (3:7-8), Lives above the circumstances (4:4).  Where there is not evidence of salvation, one’s profession of faith is suspect.  “Ye must be born again! (John 3:7)”