Years ago, I was pier fishing on the coast and reeled in a fish that I did not recognize. I was out of bait and had to walk down to the pier house to get more. While I was there, someone asked, “How’s the fishing?” I told him that I had just caught a really strange looking fish and I had never seen one like it. He asked me to describe it, and as I did one of the men who was listening to our conversation looked at the others and said, “That sounds like an Angel Fish and there is an award for the first Angel Fish caught on the pier.” Excitedly I ran down the pier and returned with my fish to claim the award. When everyone started to laugh, I must have looked confused, so one of them explained that my “prize fish” was actually only a Pig Fish. I guess I had not done a very good job of describing it.
Today I am called upon to describe the Creator of fish, and birds, and man, and everything else, and for this description I am more studied. Our Creator God is: Holy and cannot tolerate sin (1Peter 1:15-16). He is just and cannot overlook sin (Psalms 89:14). He is loving, even of the unlovely (1John 4:8). He is gracious, giving us that which we don’t deserve (1Peter 2:3). He is merciful, not giving us what we do deserve (Hebrews 2:17). He is eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27). He is unchanging (James 1:17). He is compassionate and patient (Psalms 86:15). He is omnipotent or all powerful (Jeremiah 32:17). He is omniscient or all knowing (1John 3:20). He is omnipresent or everywhere at once (Psalms 139:7-12). He is the only true and living God; there is none like Him (Jeremiah 10:10).
As you can see, one can know about God through His Word. The Bible is filled with God’s inspired revelation of Himself. There are also the visible works of God in creation that serve as irrefutable evidences for a Great Designer and Sustainer. And then there is the innumerable host of men and women down through the ages who have known God and whose lives were redeemed from the curse of sin (i.e. spiritual death—eternal separation from God). For them, to know Him is to love Him, and He alone is worth living for, or if need be, worth dying for.