Ten – Nine – Eight – Seven – Six – Five… We have all heard it before—the countdown. It could have been at a rocket launch, a New Year’s Eve party or the last seconds before any number of other major, memorable events.
Sometime, perhaps in the near future, there will be an inaudible countdown to the end of this age, when God will once again supernaturally intervene in the affairs of mankind. According to the Bible, this abrupt change marking a new era will come upon the earth unexpectedly, like “a thief in the night.” There will be seven years of catastrophic events that unfold on earth precisely as described in Revelation 4-16. In spite of the misguided hopes of humanists, these events will be the outpourings of divine wrath and judgment, more intense than any since Noah’s flood (~2348 BC). The Bible calls it the Tribulation Period—the beginning of The Day Of The Lord.
Just before the Tribulation, God promises to take those who have embraced His Son, into His presence. Jesus, the Son of God, came and died to pay the penalty for the sins of the world. He rose from the dead and ascended back to Heaven from whence He came. His sacrifice was to make a way for you and me to be reconciled to God by faith, and enter into that eternal relationship that was intended for us before the foundation of the world.
Perhaps you have listened to the lies of Satan that are propagated by men and women who have denied the existence of God and put themselves in His place to determine for themselves, and for you, what is right and wrong, and what the future holds. …but they are mere men; they know nothing of the future, and have no authority to pronounce a thing right or wrong. Right and wrong was determined by God, the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, before the world began. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all that is.
“Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all…” (1Chronicles 29:11-12)”