And We Ask, WHY?
Have you noticed that even in our beloved haven of central Maine, we are plagued with events that rival big city happenings? It is not uncommon to be threatened on the highway by some hurried individual who has no regard for your life or the safety of your family. We frequently hear news of shootings, drug deals that end in violence, rape, child molestation, thefts in broad daylight, incest, burglary, vandalism and even cold blooded murder of unsuspecting strangers. Many are asking, WHY?
Take a good look around and tell me what you see. Both parents work while many children raise themselves under the tutelage of a hireling. The few individuals who determine what airs on the television have filled our homes and minds with Hollywood’s larger than life portrayals of the unspeakable. We are entertained by the very things that appall us in real life. Video games allow gamers to look down the barrel and pull the trigger, or wield a blade to brutalize their supposed enemy or chosen victim. The driving beat of today’s music, along with lyrics that promote immorality, crime and terror, is blasting away into the ears and minds of the unwary. Pornography is displayed in “ads” on popular “family friendly” web sites.
God has been kicked out of schools, government offices and many–if not most–homes. Churches have become entertainment centers and social clubs where one can hear sermonettes that are designed to boost self esteem rather than confront them with eternal, life changing truth. Those who have the answer have grown weary and have ceased to speak out for fear of rejection or persecution. AND WE DARE TO ASK WHY things are as they are?
Man’s way of doing things is not working so well, but Jesus Christ came that we might have abundant, eternal life. The solutions to our problems are not hidden; we need only look to Christ for the answers. He said, “…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12).”