2018 Archives

The Produce Of A Nation

  America is engulfed in an age of self inflicted tragedy.  The Parkland, Florida shooting last week was the ninety seventh such event that has occurred since 1982.  In these 35 years 816 people have been killed and another 1,261 have been injured.  The frequency of these shootings has increased steadily and  phenomenally over the past six years.

  Why do these things happen?  The world blames lack of gun control, chemical imbalance, psychosis, problematic childhood, etc., but God says the problem is that our hearts are “deceitful and desperately wicked.”  As a nation, our evils are home grown.  We are allowing ourselves to be desensitized to the effects of life without moral absolutes.  We have evolved into an entertainment oriented society.  We loan our conscious minds to the ungodly men who determine what constitutes “entertainment” in our country.  We are willingly bombarded with their selfish and godless world view through media (of all types), music, and perhaps worst of all, video games.  Those who allow themselves to become addicted, can practice their vile fantasies on screen before they act them out in real life.

  Our society is motivated by greed, and has now produced generations absorbed with self, having no concern for the needs of others.   As a nation, we feel that we have the right to do anything we want, anytime we want, anywhere we want––and all under the guise of “human rights.”  Relativism has become the dominant philosophy of our time.  Right and wrong are determined by the individual, on the fly.

  The solution is really quite simple:  We need to stop thinking “me first,” stop feeding our sinful desires, and return to the judeo/christian values that made our country great.  The solution will be realized one soul at a time.  Each of us must decide whether we will live in our sin or be saved from it.  Jesus said, “…except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:3).”  “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:31).”

Search Me O God

  Whether you are involved in the corporate world, the political world, the church, or just your own humble home, if you are old enough to brush your own teeth, you can probably relate to what I am about to say––if you dare.

  You’ve probably noticed that we earth dwellers have been endowed with the remarkable ability to pinpoint areas of weakness in the lives of others.  By much patience and practice, we have learned to ascertain the ills of our peers and the “powers that be,” without ever turning the gaze of scrutiny upon ourselves.  The problem, we say, with the corporate administration, the government, the fellowship or family, is the person in the next cubicle, office, pew or bedroom respectively.  If they would just get their act together, wake up and smell the coffee, look at things the way they really are, take a hint, pay attention, get with it, get out of the way, and listen to what I have to say… things would run more smoothly.

  But what is it that keeps us from digging in our own lives for the root of those problems that menace our mission?  We shrink at the question, “Could I be consummately wrong?” … perish the thought!

  Please pardon my sarcasm, but doesn’t it all sound vaguely familiar?  I must confess, I am indeed made of the same stuff that I have described.  It is all too easy to see the faults of others and neglect my own.  Perhaps there’s something about me, some weakness that you have noticed, but I will not.

  Lately, I am reminded of the words of the Psalmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Ps. 139:23-24).”

  Lord, forgive me for I am weak.  Grant that I might comprehend the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, and that my first comparison to it, might be of my own puny frame as I stand amazed in His presence.  Amen

United We Fall

  No, I haven’t lost my mind, and yes, I do understand the principle of strength in unity.  But we must never forget that this strength of the united that builds cities and nations, can also be utilized to destroy them. 

  An age old strategy in warfare is to study the activities of the opponent and introduce things into his lifestyle that will cause him to destroy himself.  An example of this is found in the Bible (Numbers 22).  Balaam, a prophet for hire, was employed by Balak, king of Moab, to curse God’s people, Israel.  When God would not allow him to do so, as a consolation to Balak, he offered some evil advice.  Balaam told Balak that it was possible to destroy Israel from within by having his pagan, idolatrous people intermarry with the Israelites (i.e. unite with them).  Within their very homes, his people would be able to turn the Israelites away from their God.  He knew that if Israel’s beliefs could be altered and their faith diminished, the nation would fall.  It worked! …death by unity.  For more contemporary examples one might examine the tactics employed by the Nazi party in World War II.

  Satan is a master tactician. He knows by experience how to diminish the strength of God’s people, or “One Nation Under God.”  His prize tactic––unite and conquer.

  An article that I read some time ago demonstrates what one journalist called the “new and growing dynamic” of unity at all cost.  The article pointed out that the lines of doctrinal distinction among God’s people are being dissolved.  The point is that people don’t really care about doctrine anymore; fellowship is more fun.

  Though there is a sense in which we can enjoy strength in unity, we must understand that if we compromise truth to obtain it, our unity becomes a destructive force rather than an impetus for good.


  Do you remember the feelings that captivated our nation on Sept. 11, 2001?  It was a dreadful day that we will never forget… or will we?  It seems that in spite of regular reminders of that now historic event, the terror-stricken emotions that marked those days have subsided.  During those first weeks, nobody barked about our being “One nation under God.”  For a season, we were amazed at the mention of His name by those who had so vehemently denied Him.  Those were days when this great diverse nation seemed to move and think as one.

  Please don’t misunderstand me, I am appalled and angered at the boldness of those who by wicked hands have slain the innocent citizens of a peaceful nation.  But doesn’t the whole matter beg the question, Why?  Why were we so humbled, so unified, so willing to lay aside our personal agendas and aid or comfort our hurting neighbors?  Why the flare of patriotic zeal?  Why the sudden recognition of God?  Like it or not, the catalyst for this national change of heart was “terror.”  Thank God our nation does not live in constant terror, but isn’t it sad that we allowed the spirit of unity, brotherhood, patriotic zeal and faith in God to fade so quickly?

  Another thought…  In a little more than a hundred years, not one person on this planet today will still reside here.  Some will be with the Lord, and some will have departed to an eternity without Him.  According to the scriptures, the flames of a devil’s hell await all who refuse God’s gift of forgiveness.  My friend, does this not strike terror in your heart?  Or has that terror subsided since you first heard the biblical facts about our future?  Would to God that we who have made peace with God would tell others.  Would to God that those of you who do not yet know Him would believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the grave to pay the penalty for your sins.    Turn from your sins before it is too late and Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:31).

The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter

  Many years ago there lived a man who longed to fill the emptiness that life seemed to produce in his soul.  Having been raised by parents who were undeniably the upper crust of his world’s social strata, he considered himself quite fortunate, and used his advantage to accumulate great wealth.

  With a determination that money was no object, he set out to discover the secrets that would quiet his troubled soul.  He buried himself in his work in hope of great gain, in pursuit of wisdom he engaged in every academic discipline known to man, he collected everything his heart desired, indulged himself in the pleasures of wine and women, built himself houses and gardens, surrounded himself with servants, amassed flocks and herds, etc.

  This searching man was none other than wise King Solomon, who, at the end of his search had to confess,  Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 2:11). But all was not loss; his experiment had revealed this divine truth …Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

  Corinth Baptist Church would like to help you follow the sage advice of the world’s wisest man.  We invite you to participate in a self paced  Bible Study that we call the CBC Mailbox Club.    You will learn doctrines, principles and precepts that will add true meaning and understanding to your life.  It is Free and for all ages.

  Please see the insert included in today’s paper, or you can write to us at the address below.  You will need to include your name, address, age, and any  information that might help us to select a Bible Study that will meet your needs. (Your information will never be shared.) Do it NOW!