What’s Happening To America?

  Our forefathers fought and died to deliver a free republic into the hands of their posterity.  Though some of them called themselves Christians and others did not, they agreed among themselves concerning the necessity of biblical principles upon which a nation could be founded and sustained.   History, when it is presented accurately, bears out the fact that these biblical principles were deeply rooted in the hearts of our early statesmen.  They often consulted the Bible in weaving the fabric of America.

  It was the stated desire of the first patriots that these principles be maintained by each succeeding generation.  But rather than maintain them, we have allowed them to be reinterpreted for us by men with corrupt minds, so that the principles, and our unity, have vastly faded.   I am confident that the signers of our constitution and those who ratified our bill of rights, did not wish to protect those with corrupt minds who by greed would undermine the very principles upon which our republic stands.

  Though examples abound, let it suffice to name these few:  The first amendment was intended to free the hands of the people and loosen their tongues so that they might freely promote new ideas or express grievances with government, neighboring states or fellow citizens.  The intent was never to protect those who, with debauched minds, would pollute the morals of masses with pornography.  There was no desire among the founders to shield those who would desecrate our flag.  They did not mandate a removal of all traces of scripture from the public eye.  Our founding fathers would have noticed the word “illegal” in the phrase “illegal immigrants,”  etc.

  Have you read the textbook that was so dear to the architects of America?  They agreed that the Word of God contains critical elements for building and sustaining a nation.  Many of our forefathers also vouched for the fact that God can be known.  Do you know Him yet?  Let’s read the Book!


  When I was growing up, our family tradition was to occasionally give gifts to one another (i.e. birthdays, holidays, etc).  As a child, I considered it my mission to find my gift before it was wrapped.  I didn’t necessarily find out what it was, but I knew where it was, how large the bag was, etc.

  Sometimes of course… the shape was a dead give away, or perhaps the top of the bag was open and facing the wrong direction to conceal its contents.  There were those occasions when the light was wrong and I accidentally caught a glimpse of the item through the thin paper.

  Once the discovery was made, I would go back several times to check on my gifts before they were moved from their hiding place and wrapped.  During the day, at school and at home, I would think of the wonderful treasures awaiting me.  The anticipation was similar in taste to the full joy of that special day when I could have and hold all that was intended for me.

  On a grander scale, God has afforded both temporal and eternal treasures for those who are willing to receive them.  “…an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, (1Peter 1:4).”  Knowing God personally today and becoming heir to these treasures is made possible by faith.  Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sin and reconcile us to God.  Those who trust Him for forgiveness, are called the sons and daughters of God.  But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: (John 1:12).”

  Dear friend, it is my prayer that you establish a relationship with our Heavenly Father right now, and find great joy in ANTICIPATION of all that God has intended for you.

  Please feel free to call if you have questions or a desire to know more.