Technological Advancement?
It is utterly amazing to behold the wonders of modern technology and the pace at which new technology is introduced. It hasn’t been so long since my new electric typewriter was replaced by my first new computer, etc. Now it is possible to dictate to our cell phones and instantly beam the message to a friend on the other side of the world! We are able to “enjoy” life in the middle of the Information Highway, while carrying all of our “friends” around in our hip pockets. Wow!
With the entrance of social networking, individuals who have an insatiable desire to divulge every intricate detail about themselves to the world, can now do so at the speed of light, while eating a hamburger and driving 50 miles per hour down a country road. Amazing!
But advancement has its hurdles. With your information so readily available, Identity Theft has become a major issue. But fear not; there are now companies who collect your information and, for a price, “watch it” for you. Information collection has actually become big business. Your good friends at Google, FaceBook, etc. have built massive depositories to hold all of your information just in case you ever need it. It has been suggested that a little computer chip inserted under the skin on the back of your hand, might be the ultimate answer to security issues.
Just think of it; if all of the information about you that is collected by your doctor, dentist, IRS, Google, Facebook, the military, the grocery store, etc. were merged into one massive database, whoever had access to it would know more about you than you are capable of remembering about yourself.
The Bible speaks of such a time, a time when all of these niceties will become nightmares. What’s the world coming to? AN END! Are you ready? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).