Still etched in my memory are the words of my doctor on that fateful day that my mom took me to the pediatrician for my first shot, or at least the first one I remember. There he stood, bent over my posterior with his needle already plunged into my flesh, and he feigned to ask, “Are You Ready?” The needle, still loaded, seemed to me to be moving, very painfully, from side to side as he turned back and forth to explain to my mother, who was behind him, what this shot was for. I shouted rather urgently, “YES, I’M READY!,” and after he and my dear mom enjoyed a chuckle, he answered, “Okay, here we go,” and with that, he shot me, …or whatever you call it. It even made a place.
There is a sense in which that same uneasiness I felt that day seems pervasive today, but it is not just me. Many of “my fellow Americans” (I always wanted to use that line) seem to feel that they have been manipulated into a very vulnerable position and are about to “get the jab,” to borrow an over used phrase of our time. For some, perhaps it has already started to hurt, and for most of us, there is a great anticipation of unwelcome change that appears to be loaded into the governmental syringe and is about to be injected into our otherwise rather placid lives—Are you Ready?
There may not be much that we can do to alter the outcome of things that are already set in motion on such a grand scale, but we can get ready, if we are willing to surrender to Somebody bigger than you and me. God created mankind to be dependent upon Him. He said, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2Corinthians 6:17-18)”
Interested? Becoming a child of God is a matter of simple faith. You need to believe God when He says you are a sinner who is separated from Him because of your sin. Secondly, you will have to decide to be saved from your sin rather than live any longer in it. Finally, you will need to place your trust in Jesus who died on the cross to pay the penalty of your sin, and rose from the dead as Victor over sin, death, and the grave. He is your Deliverer!