The word faith is generally pretty close to the top in most people’s vocabulary, but its shades of meaning vary from one conversation to another. Sometimes faith is used with reference to the tag or label that is ascribed to one’s religion. (e.g. Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, etc.) But more often, faith is a synonym for trust, confidence, or dependence. e.g. “I built this bridge and I have faith that it will support my weight. Just watch, and I’ll prove it!”
Unfortunately the meaning of faith, as it relates to the Bible and our relationship to God, has been reduced to an oversimplified belief—a mental assent to a historical fact. The change in meaning was probably fostered by over zealous evangelists in their efforts to convert the masses, This is extremely unfortunate because the Bible tells us that everything God wants to do for us requires more than a simple belief. God’s provision and blessing are contingent upon our proper understanding of faith. “…without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)” The Bible word “believe” in this verse is stronger than our English word; it means to trust in, place dependence upon.

A relationship with God begins only after a man understands that he has offended a Holy God, and is condemned by His Justice. Salvation occurs the moment that a repentant sinner exercises a sincere confidence in, and dependence upon, Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin. It is possible because Jesus purchased his forgiveness when He died, was buried, and rose from the dead to satisfy God’s justice on the sinner’s behalf.
Faith unto salvation is only the beginning. The Bible is filled with promises and provisions that are realized by that same dependence upon the Almighty. The object of our faith is always God; the substance of our faith is only what He has said. If you would have faith in God, you will need to understand that, “… faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)” Very simply, if you don’t read the Bible, you won’t know what to trust Him for.