Quite often I hear someone talking about the kind of church that they attend. Some of them are proud of their church’s title, while an increasing number of church goers would like to do away with all descriptive tags in order to be more inclusive in their fellowship, to attract more people, and perhaps a more diverse people. In some churches you can feel right at home believing anything, or nothing—as long as you are happy, everyone is fine.
Our name, Corinth Baptist Church, is a fair description of who we are in that we adhere to the doctrines that distinguish us as baptists. Namely:

B iblical Authority (The Bible is the sole and final authority for the church.)
A utonomy of the Local Church (The local Church is to be self-governing.)
P riesthood of the Believer (Believers have direct personal access to God.)
T wo Ordinances (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper)
I ndividual Soul Liberty (Everyone is free to be true to his conscience.)
S aved, Baptized Church Membership
T wo Officers (Pastor and Deacons)
S eparation of Church and State (Two Institutions ordained by God)
Though we are Corinth Baptist Church on purpose, these distinctives alone do not fully define who we are—there are many other Bible doctrines that we consider fundamental to our faith. Everything that God has said or done is vital to us, and should be to you as well. All truth originates with Him, and as Jesus said, “…the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)”
Because you have been endowed by God with individual soul liberty, you must decide for yourself where you belong or don’t belong, you can believe as you choose, but remember, God has said, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: …come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (2Corinthians 6:14, 17)”