Governing The Godless
Remember the speeches we heard at the National Conventions? We were told that though we are a diverse people, we are ALL Americans, and when times get tough we pull together to “Get things done.” But it was all political rhetoric. Actually, we are becoming a more godless and divided nation, and, as our forefathers warned, a godless republic cannot stand.
Governing the godless is impossible because the godless believe: that the events of life are ordered by chance, that every man is in charge of his own destiny, that all truth is relative (i.e. no truth that applies universally at all times), that man is the center of all that matters (humanism), that there are no moral absolutes (i.e. hard and fast rules for defining right and wrong). But we know from history, this is the recipe for disaster.
We need to return to the principles upon which our nation was founded. Consider our motto, In God We Trust. The Bible tells us that, “…He (God) is a buckler (shield) to all them that trust in Him. (2 Samuel 22:31).” And how about our pledge, “…one Nation under God.” The Scriptures are clear, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD… (Psalms 33:12).” God is our only hope, and yet many of our leaders despise Him.
Why do we need God and His ways? Because He orders the events of life with purpose. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1).” God has established absolute truth. Jesus said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17).” He has established moral absolutes like: “Honor thy father and thy mother. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal, bear false witness, or covet.”
The soul of a nation is its people and before we will have God in our nation, we must have God in our hearts. He is ready to take residence in your heart, but you’ll need the help of His Son, Jesus, who has purchased forgiveness for your sins and makes it available to you through faith.