
  History has recorded the testimonies of thousands who rejected the message of the Bible for a lifetime.  Scores of men have expended themselves in an effort to discredit, change or destroy it, as if their efforts could somehow eliminate that which truth requires of man.   But God has overruled; the Bible stands.  One who has never perused the pages of scripture might ask, What’s the big deal?  The big deal is that the Bible dethrones man, revealing that he is a mere creature of dust.  It declares that the material universe, including man, belongs to eternal God.  Clearly, man cannot determine his own destiny because God writes the rules, and man has broken them.

  In discrediting the Bible, it is easier to obtain an audience if one attacks the portions that deal with the supernatural.  After all, they reason, “What miracle cannot be explained away as the result of natural phenomena?  It is obvious that God does not audibly speak to man, and no one has ever visited heaven or hell and returned to tell about it.  Since there are no supernatural events taking place in our day, it is apparent that the supernatural claims of the Bible are unfounded.  It follows that if God does not perform supernatural deeds, He is equal to man.  Reason then requires, that if God is our equal, He has no authority over us. We can do as we please.”

  The only problem with this contemporary thought is that it is wrong.  Take for instance the supernatural resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It is the single most important event of all ages, and one of the most documented.  The resurrected Christ was seen by a multitude, many of whom died martyrs’ deaths rather than deny what they had witnessed.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ sets biblical Christianity apart from ALL other religions of the world.  Because Christ is risen, we do not worship at His tomb.  He is alive to make His promises good, and He has promised eternal life to all who turn from their sins and trust Him for forgiveness.   Easter makes the difference!