Your Loss Is Mine

  Did you ever dream a dream that felt life changing while you were asleep, but by morning it seemed irretrievably forgotten? Well, recently I remembered a dream that I had many years ago.  I dreamed of two men with chainsaws, trimming an almost limbless tree that had grown curiously into a rather large arch.  The two were perched high on the horizontal trunk of the tree at the top of the arch.  As one of them moved from limb to limb, he would stand erect, with arms extended, walking “tightrope” style toward the next limb.  As he toddled forward, I could hear his chainsaw idling roughly, as he laughed and conversed loudly with his fellow acrobat.  Both men seemed oblivious to any impending danger.  I watched in awe, impressed by their brazen disdain for the terror that could at any moment overtake them.  …and then, my dream quickly evolved into a nightmare.  That voice, so high above my head, seemed familiar; I strained to see their faces.  Could it be …yes, it is, …it is my son!  No longer could I be a spectator.  With a jerk, I started toward the base of the tree, my mind racing in search of a plan to secure the safety of my beloved son.  And then I woke up, wet with sweat, and in the same panic that had interrupted my dream.

  As I lay on my bed in the dark of night rehearsing the terrible scene that had been my focus just seconds before, the question came to me.  Why had I panicked for the men’s safety only after I had realized that one of them was my son?  I had admired their daring until I understood that if something happened to them, their loss would be my own.    For several minutes in the night, and then in the morning hours of a new day, I realized that my dream was in fact a reality in my life.  No, my son was not in a tree at that moment, but there I stood gazing at a world that lives at the slippery brink of eternity with no thought of the impending terror that awaits those who do not know Christ.  How could I be so thoughtless?  Do they matter so little to me?

  O Lord, help me to see the loss of their souls as You do.

Oh My God!

  With the Covid-19 pandemic, the political and economic unrest that grips our nation, and the increasing rate of global change in almost every realm, it is not uncommon to hear someone exclaim, “Oh My God!”  In many cases, because of their foul mouths and ungodly lifestyle, one might wonder if they really believe that there is a God.

  Romans 1:19-20 tells us that the eternality and omnipotence of God can be discovered by simple observation of the things that He has created.  In reality, everyone knows there is a God.  The old adage has been proven true, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”  Romans 1:21-32; tells us that many will suppress the little knowledge they have gained by observation, supposing that if they will leave God alone, He will return the favor.  Unfortunately the Bible tells us that their wish will eventually be granted and they will experience life without God.  It is not the nature of God to force Himself on you.

  God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them.  He is, by His very nature, Holy, Righteous, Just, Merciful and Gracious.  He will be true to His nature in dealing with all that His hands have created.  Right now, we live in a day in which God’s mercy and grace are being deliberately manifested as He interacts with His creation.  But the day approaches when His justice will be meted out on those who are not willing to receive His   mercy and grace.  Those who have no regard for God will eventually have their way; God will have no regard for them.

  While heralding the good news of God’s love on deaf ears has become increasingly frustrating, it is a privilege to be His light bearer in this day of darkness.  The light? — God created; man sinned against God; Christ died to pay for that sin; He rose from the dead; He offers forgiveness to those who will come to Him by faith.  Better hurry, it’s beginning to look like that day of judgment and justice is near!

Deep Cut

As I listened to the questions fired at our President and his press secretary during the typical press conference, I am grieved by the blatant evidence of our national division and the senseless, ruthless partisanship in this election year. The issues that are discussed are critical to our nation and often bathed in the blood of our brave soldiers, both living and dead, who are scattered around the world.

Our President is being criticized for dragging his feet, or worse, for being neglectful in utilizing intelligence made available to him before the Covid pandemic. This is unsettling because in the same breath, the forked tongues of his critics denounce him for being preemptive in halting flights from countries that were already in the throes of pandemic. With all of this organized confusion, one might conclude that the motivation that drives America’s political machine is not fully disclosed in the prepared statements of the election year hopefuls. As disheartening as it may seem, these outward manifestations of division are only on the surface; the fault line that divides our country runs much deeper.

For the sake of openness, tolerance and pluralism, we have divorced ourselves from the foundational fabric that made our nation “One nation, under God.” Like it or not, Biblical Christianity has for centuries been the underpinning that makes freedom work. Men without morals will use their freedoms to fly airplanes into buildings or give their lives for the sole purpose of taking the lives of others.

Dear Christian brother or sister, our hope is not in the reform of a nation. We should pray for those who are in authority, as their decisions will impact the whole world, but the real battle for America and for the future of mankind is not fought on a national or international level, but in the minds and hearts of individuals. You are the soldiers and your homes, schools, workplaces and neighborhoods are the battlefields. We must win their hearts to Christ, if we hope to save a nation.

God Will Take Care Of You

  In the uncertainty of these days, one wonders what might happen next.  Political theater has become the order of the day in Washington; major cities are being terrorized by anarchists while elected officials argue over defunding the rule of law (i.e. military and local law enforcement); gullible  people are buying into the lie that Socialism will work in America while it continues to destroy countries around the globe.  Unrest, fear and uncertainty hold entire communities captive while we wait to see which ideology wins out in the coming election and whether there are those in the ruling class capable of effecting our promised deliverance.

  In the midst of these chaotic times, the Lord has been teaching me through His Word, that those who accept His invitation to be adopted into His family by faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, are never helpless, never at the mercy of man.  We belong to God; He is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omni-present (all places at once).  God, who insists that we call Him “Father,” has afforded us the wonderful privilege of coming into His presence at any time, day or night, to cast our cares upon Him in prayer. (1Peter 5:7)  He, being omnipotent, is capable of doing “exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20)  Because He is omniscient, we can rest assured that He understands our plight and can guide us on the paths through troubled times. (Psalm 139:1-5)  Because He is omni-present, we will never be outside of the scope of His watchful eye (Psalm 139:7-12), never alone, never forsaken! (Hebrews 13:5)

  We are far from helpless.  We serve a God who cares.  As the song writer has said, “Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you; beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.  God will take care of you, through every day, o’er all the way; he will take care of you, God will take care of you.”

  Care to join us?  Jesus Christ said,  “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John 10:9)”

One Solution

  It’s amazing how a couple of years can change one’s perspective on these witty lines. “You know you’re old when…

  • you’re standing next to your car with your keys in hand, but can’t remember whether you’re going somewhere, or just got back.
  • when you sit down to the breakfast table, and the snap, crackle, pop you hear isn’t your breakfast cereal.
  • when you bend over to tie your shoes and ask yourself, “Is there anything else I need to do while I’m down here?”

 More and more I’m able to relate to the criteria that identifies me with the aged.  In my antiquity, I’ve discovered a more troubling You know you’re old when… saying. It goes like this: You know you’re old when the things you have always deemed sinful and unacceptable, are condoned, and even encouraged, among people who profess to know and love God.

  For instance, there was a time when homosexuality, divorce, abortion, premarital and extramarital relationships, morbid and inhumane entertainment, cheating, lying, cursing, lust, gluttony and other abuses of the body were considered unacceptable behaviors even among the general populace.  And  “Christians” in those days refused to dialog with the world about adjusting God’s perimeters for right.  Sadly, times have changed.

  Yes, I’m starting to feel my age; I have lived long enough to see what time and godlessness can do to a society bent on satisfying itself.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that I am worthy to “cast the first stone.”  Not one of us is better than the others.  All of us sinners are in desperate need of deliverance from sin.  I have good news!  The writer of Hebrews says of Jesus Christ, “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25)”